OpenPlant Modeler Help

Managing Exception Logs

When a program exception occurs, OpenPlant Modeler appends technical details of the exception to the Exception.log file and writes a binary MiniDump.dmp file. By default, OpenPlant Modeler maintains a history of the last 20 program exceptions in the ManageExceptionLogs.vbs file.

Both the Exception.log file and MiniDump.dmp files provide valuable information to Bentley for diagnosing the cause of program breakdowns. The information recorded contains, but is not limited to, details such as CPU register values, call stack history, loaded DLLs and MDL applications. An exception log can generate approximately 150K bytes in the Exception.log file and 80K bytes to the MiniDump.dmp file. After generating these files, OpenPlant Modeler attempts to launch an external process to operate on these files. Normally, there is no need to customize this process. However, there may be circumstances where a CAD manager might want additional processing to be performed. For example:

  • Sending an exception notification e-mail to the CAD Manager or CAD support staff
  • Centrally harvesting exception information from workstations to servers
  • Notifying in-house software developers that their applications are failing
Note: Since MiniDump.dmp is a snapshot of OpenPlant Modeler 's process memory, the size of the file can vary widely based on the setting of $(MS_MiniDumpType) and the amount of virtual memory consumed by OpenPlant Modeler at the time of the fault. The valid hexadecimal values for MS_MiniDumpType are those accepted by the Windows API function MiniDumpWriteDump. In practice, there are two useful values:
Value Description
4 (default) records minimal exception information
7 records the full user mode address space of OpenPlant Modeler